Saturday, April 7, 2007


Twisted German Long Tail Cast On

This is the German Twisted Cast On that sandeleh has been raving about for socks. It makes a VERY elastic edge that does not look at all sloppy. She has used 2 colors of yarn in these photos to make the steps easier to follow.

Knit Tip - Twisted German CastOn from sandeleh on

  1. Set up step is the same as the 'regular' long tail cast on. Pink strand goes to free end, blue strand to the ball.
  2. Put needle under both loops of the pink yarn, pointing towards the index finger.
  3. Another shot of the first step.
  4. Now come backwards into the pink loop with the needle pointed towards you.
  5. Shove your thumb towards the index finger, twisting the loop with the needle thru it open so you can scoop the blue yarn back thru the pink loop.
  6. Scooping the blue yarn back thru the twisted loop (that you have opened by bending the thumb)
  7. Another shot of grabbing the blue yarn
  8. The actual scoop of the blue yarn thru the pink loop
  9. Scooping the blue yarn thru the pink loop
  10. Dropping the pink loop off the thumb. Then you snug the yarns up against the needle, just like in the other long tail cast on..
  11. You can see the neat double twist of the pink yarn under the needle. The blue loops on the needle will be twisted or not, depending on which way you picked up the blue yarn. If they are wrong, merely knit that first row thru the back loop. Leave them twisted for a snugger edge.

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